Geotechnical Laboratory
Geotechnical Laboratory
CNG’s geotechnical laboratory performs physical-mechanical land characterisation tests, following the most widely used technical standards as a facility authorised by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
It is equipped with modern tools with automatic data acquisition systems. The instrumentation and operating procedures are guaranteed by ministerial authorisation pursuant to circular no. 7618/STC of 08/09/2010.
Maintenance, control, and calibration protocols for the equipment undergo a tested quality regime under UNI EN ISO 9001.
The technical-scientific team, responsible for the laboratory for years, operates with a focus on acquiring new knowledge and technological updates, and building relationships with clients to share knowledge and expertise in managing test programming and dynamics.
A further advance made by the CNG company, in the field of technical-scientific evolution, is in the acquisition of instrumentation and know-how for the execution of tests on terrain in a dynamic environment at low and medium deformation levels with Resonant Column (RC) and Cyclic Torsional Shear (CTS) equipment.
On request, CNG collects soil samples throughout the national territory.
Main equipment for mechanical tests on land and rocks
- 1 instrument for cyclic torsional shear and resonant column tests
- 3 complete tools for triaxial tests with 50 kN digital presses and 7 cells
- 10 machines for Casagrande direct shear tests
- 4 consolidation benches for direct shear boxes for 9 stations
- 1 anisotropic consolidation bench for triaxial cells for 3 stations
- 20 oedometers
- air-water and oil-water pressure systems
- compressed air dehumidification system
- automatic data acquisition system
- tool for determining the strength index of a rock (point load tester)
- monoaxial rock compression press
- rock sclerometer
- rock volumeter
- equipment for determining ultrasonic velocity for rocks and concrete
- rock saw
Main instruments for physical, granulometric, and consistency characterisation of soils
- motorised universal extruder
- pocket penetrometer – vane tester
- cylinders, thermostatic tank, densimeters and thermometers
- series of sieves (Φ = 200 mm)
- no. 200 sieves (Φ = 300 mm)
- electromagnetic sifters
- high speed electric stirrer
- vibrating table for determining relative density
- laboratory mixer
- digital scales with resolution from 0.01 g to 1g and capacities from 1 kg to 20 kg
- laboratory furnaces
- climate-controlled chamber for sample preservation
- silica gel dryer with thermo-hygrometer
- pycnometers for determining the specific weight of the granules
- equipment for determining Liquid, Plastic and Withdrawal Limits
- Dietrich – Fruhling calcimeter
- equipment for measuring organic substances
- laboratory lathe
- samplers, die cutters
- water deaeration system
- fixed and variable hinged permeameter bench
- instrumentation for conducting standard and modified Proctor tests
- instrumentation for determining the California Bearing Ratio – CBR